Give your kids computing power

16 year old kid. Moksh Jawa taught himself computer programming and scored highest possible score on AP Computer Science examination. Great article in Mercury News by Sharon Noguchi – Coding: 16-year-old Fremont student writes AP test-prep book, creates online course As the writer Sharon Noguchi writes «His interest started in middle school, when his father gave him a link to Codeacadem y, an online coding boot camp. He learned Python, an intermediate programming language. “I just fell in love with computer science,” Ja wa said. He found everything he needed to know online: “Every time you encounter a problem, the chances are that someone else has, too, and has ï¬gured it out””I just told him, 7711s could be an interesting thing to learn,’ ” recalled his dad, Shalesh Jawa, who works runs his own business helping clients implement software but is not himself a coder Moksh ‘5 mother; Rachna Jawa, is a dietitian.Along the way, Moksh Jawa ignited the ï¬re of curiosity and passion among classmates to learn coding, too.» We as parents need to give our kids opportunity to learn computing and let them run with it. At WIZE ACADEMY we equip kids at an early age with the foundational skills. knowledge and understanding of computing they will need for the rest of their lives. Registration for Summer Camps are open – Sign up now!!